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Selectmen Minutes 05/12/2015

Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Members Present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: John Freeman, Jim Plunkett, Steve Stock, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Allan Mayville, Tom Jameson

Call to Order:  Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm

Department Heads:
Building – John Freeman stated that 8 permits have been issued since the last time we met. One renovation, six electrical and one mechanical.

Fire – Matt Cole stated that last week we spent outside of Chichester assisting other towns with brush fires. We have had a lot of medical calls. On Saturday we went to Strafford, Canterbury, and Epsom for fires.

Library – Lucille Noel stated that we have our big plant and book sale on Saturday. We are looking for a replacement for Kayla. We have two conferences the Trustees are going to attend. One is Re-Envisioning Libraries and in June we will be going to a workshop on Charitable Trusts. The surveys were supposed to go out in the Sun last week. We have heard that some people got them and some did not.

Mr. DeBold stated that I have a question regarding the street light request across the street, you are planning to do something new outback and I’m curious about the timing of this happening. When the updates out back are done will you be adding lights?

Ms. Noel stated that they are still in the planning phase and they do not believe this would happen for at least two years. There are no plans on adding any lighting.

Mrs. Pinard will check with the Town’s insurance company to ensure there are no liability issues.

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated that we started the road reconstruction on Pleasant Street. It has been grinded and packed down. They are now working on Bear Hill Road. Once they complete all of the work on Bear Hill they plan on paving Pleasant Street then paving Bear Hill Road. I did extend the work area on Bear Hill Road 30 feet to get over the rocky part. We are also working on the under drain on Bear Hill Road. We had to fix the fence at the school due to damage over the winter. The Hilliard Road culvert has been ordered. The culvert in the circle on Paradise Lane has let go. The water is now draining across the circle. I am going to have to replace the culvert this year.

I received shimming estimates:
Advanced Excavation and Paving          $71 per ton
Wolcott Paving                          $74 per ton
Sam Cooper Paving                        $82 per ton

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to award the shimming and overlay to Advanced Excavation and Paving in the amount of $71 per ton and tack at $ .18 a square yard. Motion Passes

Forest Fire – Mr. Stock stated no open burning permits are being issued in the Town until further notice. Police will both stop and ask them to put the fire out or they will call the fire department. 70 permits to date have been issued from the State’s On-line Burn Permit website.

Warden Stock stated that during the brush fires in Concord, Tilton, and Belmont the department lost 600 feet of hose. This means that it had either burned in the fire or another department may have taken it by mistake. The issue at hand is we are now without 600 feet of hose and we do not have any spare. Warden Stock is asking for permission to order the hose now prior to the reimbursement from the other towns. He did state that we would be getting reimbursed but that the department is need of this hose ASAP.

Consensus was for Warden Stock to order the replace equipment that was damaged with the expectation of getting reimbursed from the Mutual Aid towns that we were assisting.

General Business/Board Discussion:
Sander Rack
Tabled for next meeting

Appointments to Planning Board, Zoning Board, RAC
Mr. DeBold stated that we would be tabling these until next week when a full Board was present.

Mr. Jameson stated that he felt the Board should make the appointments tonight as the sitting members do not feel they are active members and are worried about the possible repercussions of decisions that are being made.

Mrs. Pinard stated that they are full members as per the RSA that governs the appointments and both members have been told that.

Mr. DeBold stated that we had discussed this with these two gentlemen when they were here and thought that this had already been addressed.

A motion was made by Mr. Jordan and seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Kevin Mara and Richard Moore to three year terms on the Planning Board. Discussion was heard

Mr. DeBold stated that I am going to vote against this as I feel the entire Board should be here to appoint members to the respective boards. Circumstances have just delayed us from making the decisions. This is nothing personal. I want the full Board to be here for this discussion and decision.

Motion Fails

Mr. Jameson asked when the full Board would be in attendance.

Mr. DeBold stated the appointments would be made next week.

Public Input:
Ann Davis stated the Chichester School has asked the Agricultural Commission to read to the 3rd graders. Also Mr. Beaverstock asked if Mr. Jordan could shear a sheep for the kids at the school. The Garden Club is meeting on the 27th and our guest will be Joan from Joan’s Garden Works in Henniker.

Lucille Noel stated that the stabilization of the library is ongoing. Bernie has spoken to Ian and he stated that there is no danger to the library but the timbers should be stabilized.

Being no further discussion, a motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 7:58pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
                                                        Not approved until signed
Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold                                           D. Michael Paveglio                                                  Jeffrey Jordan